Roy O’Neill
“Royston O’Neill was born on the February 10th 1924 in Llangeinor, a village near Bridgend in South Wales, where he grew up. He became an apprentice carpenter at 14. He finally became a carpenter in Bridgend, after the war.
At 17 and a half, he was called to defend his country. After 6 months training, aged 18, he was deemed ready for combat fight. Roy began as an infantryman, a foot soldier. He was given 24 hours leave to return home to see his brother but on his return, he found that his battalion had disappeared.
He was sent to a train halt near York but when he got off the train, he found himself alone in a deserted spot. When two trucks drove by, he hitched a lift and finally reached his new battalion which, much to his amazement, was his brother’s battalion. Brothers were rarely placed in the same battalion. He was put on radio communication. On D-Day, at his first try to establish a communication line, he found himself connected to a German line, with a German voice talking.”
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Legion d’Honneur for Roy O’Neill